Do you have any problem joining or verifying your membership account? Please contact our service representative +82-2-1670-0005.
Still not a Walkerhill Rewards Member?
If you join now, the following benefits will apply when paying on the site.
You can also check your reservation and payment details online.
Have you joined Walkerhill Membership via offline?
Verify your membership account and sign in to make reservations.
Membership No. of Walkerhill Rewards or Walkerhill Prestige Club.
Your membership no. is shown on your membership card or the E-mail & SMS message you received when you signed up.
If you are a Walkerhill Prestige Club member, you can sign up for the free rewards membership.
Do you have any problem joining or verifying your membership account? Please contact our service representative +82-2-1670-0005.